
« Blair, James Blair, Samuel Blair, William »

Blair, Samuel

BLAIR, SAMUEL: American Presbyterian; b. in Ireland June 14, 1712; d. at Londonderry, Penn., July 5, 1751. He came early to America; studied at Tennent's "Log College" at Neshaminy; was ordained pastor of Middletown and Shrewsbury, N. J., 1734; in 1739 removed to Londonderry or Fagg's Manor (40 m. w.s.w. of Philadelphia), 197Chester County, Penn., and established there a school after the model of the "Log College." He was an adherent of Gilbert Tennent in the controversies of his time. His principal writings were collected by his brother, Rev. John Blair (Philadelphia, 1754); they include sermons, a treatise on predestination and reprobation, and an account of a revival in his congregation at Londonderry.

Bibliography: Consult the biographical sketch in A. Alexander, The Founder and Principal Alumni of the Log College, pp. 164–196, Philadelphia, 1851.

« Blair, James Blair, Samuel Blair, William »
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